Are you tired that of errors in the textures of blocks more than 1:1? Well not anymore! Because this little Add-On fixes custom blocks bigger or taller than 1:1! so you will see many add-ons will work again!

  • due to 1.18.10 you can no longer create custom blocks more than 1:1 due to "engine limitations" limiting many creators and causing bugs that break the game. But this module break That limit and fixes that! Here a example.



Add-On used in the example: [Jungle Expansion Add-On]

Put this add-On above of all resource packs to work! Or it won't work properly 


The realms sonic bug:

  • When you enter a realm With the geo fixer activated inside the realm the textures will change to this.

Just add Sonic bug fix texture above all the add-onsto fix this!

all crédits to The WTF Verse for the fix


If mojang patches this module there will be an update as soon as possible to fix the add-on.

Last but very important.


This module was originally created by LukasPAH 

and due to my ignorance I did not know that it was created by him

All crédits for him!

and also for 

TheWTFVerse for making the Sonic fix!

All crédits for him too!

Select version for changelog:



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[External Changelog]

Added a FIX for The Sonic error in realms! (Very Important)

Added crédits to LukasPAH for making the original Block Geo fixer add-On (important)

Added crédits to TheWTFVerse for making the Sonic bug fix (important)

Added a new featured image (minimal)

Added a NO AD link

    [Internal Changelog]

Added The Sonic bug fixer





If you want to use it in your Add-On remember to credit me! Thats all!

Warning: The Block Geo fixer might not work in all Add-ons, do to the textures or code of the add-on. 

Thanks for reading.           

Supported Minecraft versions

  • 1.19
  • 1.18.30
  • 1.18.20
  • 1.18.10


  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows 10

Credit TazaMakeThings